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Simon's Birth

My waves/surges started at 3am on a Sunday (40 weeks, 2 days), I did not wake up my husband since the waves were mild and came only every 30 minutes. I waited until 7 am to tell him today is the day! (I’ve had false contractions the day before). We finished packing the bag for the hospital and passed the waves with counter pressure on my lower back or knees.

We left the house to the hospital when I was having contractions every 6 minutes that lasted 60-90 seconds (its suggested to leave for the hospital when you have contractions lasting 1 minute every 5 minutes for at least 1hour) but the waves were too strong and we felt like going to the hospital. We left at 5PM.

We arrived to the hospital and I was only 2.5 cm dilated! I couldn’t believe it.. only 2.5!!

The nice Hypnobirth room at Al Zhara was occupied so we were given the room next to it until the hypnobirth room was cleaned. I passed the surges with the hypnobirthing tracks, soft music and my husband’s counter pressure. Most of the time I stayed in the bathroom. I put on my headphones to zone out from the world around me. Before moving to the room next door they did the second vaginal exam. I did not want to know how dilated I was so they only told my husband (afterwards I found out I was 5cm dilated).

At 8 PM we moved to the room where I delivered (the room with the tile Jacuzzi, rope hanging from the ceiling, and mattress on the floor). I had the 3nd vaginal exam and they did the CTG.. My water broke while I was connected to the CTG machine. At this time I was 7-8cm dilated and I could now get into the water since I was more than 5cm dilated. The midwives called my doctor. By 9 when Dr. Anni arrived and checked me in the water I was 9.5 cm dilated.

In my case being in the hospital relaxed me

Although there was noise, midwives turned on the light, I could hear other women in labour etc etc..... I was prepared to handle all of that so it did not interfere with my birth.

At 8pm I went into the water and I LOVED IT, the pain lowers a lot.. it is amazing what the water does…

So I kept passing the surges with the affirmations and visualisations playing from the ipad. During this time the midwives come in an out to check on the baby’s heartbeat.

After a few pushes we could see the baby’s head (doctor puts a mirror in the water) and I touched the head with my hand.

On every contractions the baby’s head came out and went in again.. In, out, in, out. He was not coming out in the water! My doctor suggested to try different positions outside of the Jacuzzi. We went to the mat on the floor, tried different positions and same thing I could touch and see his head in the mirror but baby’s head went in again at the end of the surge.

It was taking longer and longer and I was becoming quite anxious to meet my baby.

My doctor said we try a few more positions and if the baby does not come out we may need to use the kiwi (suction). After trying a few more times my son came out in the traditional position. 2 more contractions and Simon’s body came out. Dr Anni put a gel on his head to help him slide out.

He came out with his left arm covering his face.That is why it took a while until he came out.

It is amazing how much space our body has.

To be able to deliver a head and an arm! He arrived at 1 AM. As soon as he came out he was given to me and I placed him on my chest.

Even though his arm was covering his face, which made the delivery more challenging, it was possible to deliver drug and instrument free.

This was my dream delivery.

Bernarda & Frank x

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Jasmine Collin

Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Mindset Coach


Whats App: +971 50 132 3669
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