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Birth Stories
Taylor's Birth - A calm & positive tale of thrombocytopenia, induction, low fluid and more..
I wanted to thank you and share what an amazing experience I had with the birth of our son Taylor. Despite some initial complications, as...
Charley's Birth
Dear Charley, Your dad and I had been preparing for your birth with excitement from the moment we knew you existed. I attended prenatal...
Marsel's Birth - A VBA2C Story
My VBA2C Story - Yes it is possible!!!! I had my first vaginal delivery, to my third son, on April 6th, 2017. After having 2 unnecessary...
Simon's Birth
My waves/surges started at 3am on a Sunday (40 weeks, 2 days), I did not wake up my husband since the waves were mild and came only every...
Primrose’s Birth
At 1.30am on the 17th December I awoke with what felt like continuous cramping/griping. I sat up cross legged in bed and rocked back and...
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