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Birth Stories

Sofia's Birth Story
On July the 17th 2020 our little Sofia arrived into this world, after 24 hours of pre-labor and 13 hours of labor. She was 3.470 kg and...

Taylor's Birth - A calm & positive tale of thrombocytopenia, induction, low fluid and more..
I wanted to thank you and share what an amazing experience I had with the birth of our son Taylor. Despite some initial complications, as...

Letter from a thankful daddy
Hi Jasmin, hope you’re well. It’s Mark, Sonia’s husband and now Mila’s daddy! I just wanted to drop you a message to to give you a little...

Phoenix Willow's Breech Birth
July 21st 2017 our dreams finally came true when we welcomed our tiny miracle baby girl into the world, Phoenix Willow Moss Walls, born...

Charley's Birth
Dear Charley, Your dad and I had been preparing for your birth with excitement from the moment we knew you existed. I attended prenatal...

Marsel's Birth - A VBA2C Story
My VBA2C Story - Yes it is possible!!!! I had my first vaginal delivery, to my third son, on April 6th, 2017. After having 2 unnecessary...

Hani's Birth - A Family Centred Cesarean
Dear Jasmine, our baby boy Hani is finally here, he was born on April 5th at 38 weeks by a planned c-section. As soon as we found out...

Quinn's Birth - A Dad's Perspective
Admittedly, we left it pretty late in signing up for our Hypnobirthing classes. Considering the last class was scheduled for the day...

George's Breech Birth
I was hoping that this time everything would start with surges, but my water broke in the middle of the night a couple of days before 38...

Tomas's Birth
On the night of 19th August I woke with pains in my tummy. Thinking I had a tummy ache I got up and went down stairs for water. I bounced...
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