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Birth Stories

George's Breech Birth
I was hoping that this time everything would start with surges, but my water broke in the middle of the night a couple of days before 38...

Tomas's Birth
On the night of 19th August I woke with pains in my tummy. Thinking I had a tummy ache I got up and went down stairs for water. I bounced...

Simon's Birth
My waves/surges started at 3am on a Sunday (40 weeks, 2 days), I did not wake up my husband since the waves were mild and came only every...

Iryna's Birth
I had light cramps started at 3am on the due date given by the Genetics Medicine Centre. Blake told me it's my body getting ready & it's...

Zac's Birth
We found the entire course really, really helpful and informative. It certainly prepared us for the birth of Zac, who was born on the...

Primrose’s Birth
At 1.30am on the 17th December I awoke with what felt like continuous cramping/griping. I sat up cross legged in bed and rocked back and...
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