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Birth Stories

Marsel's Birth - A VBA2C Story
My VBA2C Story - Yes it is possible!!!! I had my first vaginal delivery, to my third son, on April 6th, 2017. After having 2 unnecessary...

Hani's Birth - A Family Centred Cesarean
Dear Jasmine, our baby boy Hani is finally here, he was born on April 5th at 38 weeks by a planned c-section. As soon as we found out...

Quinn's Birth - A Dad's Perspective
Admittedly, we left it pretty late in signing up for our Hypnobirthing classes. Considering the last class was scheduled for the day...

George's Breech Birth
I was hoping that this time everything would start with surges, but my water broke in the middle of the night a couple of days before 38...

Tomas's Birth
On the night of 19th August I woke with pains in my tummy. Thinking I had a tummy ache I got up and went down stairs for water. I bounced...

Raef's Birth
Today is my 'due date' so it seemed like a good day to finally sit down and introduce our little on to you!! He is now a whopping 10 days...

Ilyas's Birth
In my first pregnancy, I read. I read all of the books recommended to me about birth and pregnancy and plenty of extras. My brain was...

7 Great Reasons To Do Hypnobirthing Classes That Have Nothing To Do With Birth
There are lots of ways that Hypnobirthing can help couples have a better birth and more and more parents all over the world are choosing...

Simon's Birth
My waves/surges started at 3am on a Sunday (40 weeks, 2 days), I did not wake up my husband since the waves were mild and came only every...
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