We had a baby boy last Monday, I think the 8th of September. Liam Sean was 8 pounds 7. Everything went amazingly well. The midwife was laughing at me because I slept for an hour and a half though my surges when they were about 4 minutes apart. During the time I was asleep Sean said I had a conversation with him.
I don't recall this at all he also said I was breathing through my surges but to me I just thought I was sleeping.
I was a about 50 minutes in the final stage of breathing the baby down, however I panicked a little a pushed instead. It was still a positive experience. I had 3 small tears of 2 stitches each and even while Dr. Yamini was stitching me I was laughing and texting my sisters.
I had friends visit me two hours later and they were just amazed and how calm everything went.
I also used the pool for an hour which was fantastic for the waves before the final stage. Al Zahra was amazing, my midwife Katiana was unbelievable it was like having a best friend/sister with you. She was so supportive of having a natural labour and very encouraging. Dr. Yamini was also amazing, I could now have asked for a better team.
I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to do hypnobirthing with you and for the support team at the hospital...It really is the perfect pairing!
Thank you so much Jasmine for everything.
Sheila & Sean x