So it all started on searching for a classic birth preparation class, and we decided to go with Jasmine Collin but not sure what we were going into and even a bit reluctant at the beginning on some techniques used like visualisation.
I thought:” how will visualisation help me go through the birth…”.
Slowly we got into the hypnobirthing spirit, made the exercises, enjoyed being with the other couple, appreciated how Jasmine was available and kind to reply to our questions and worries.
At the end of the class, we both felt we had great tools and strong network support to approach our birth in the most harmonic way, so here is our story:
“At the end of our pregnancy, my doctor got worried on the low level of my platlets which could lead to a possible after-birth haemorrhage, so we had to do an induction , I was at 40 weeks +1 day.
But I was mentally absolutely not prepared to give birth, I knew it would be that week but felt I would force my body if it would happen on this day. I called Jasmine to seek for advise and reassurance, and she asked us to try to ask for a membrane sweep first, to try to induce in a more natural way. And we managed to negotiate one more day with our doctor.
After the membrane sweep and walking 12 km in Dubai Mall, still no sign of any labour, I was at 40 weeks +2 days and we agreed to go to the hospital for an induction, which we understood would be only the rupture of membrane.
Arriving at the hospital at midnight, the midwife had completely different guidelines, she was told to do rupture of membrane plus synthetic oxytocin which I wanted to avoid as much as possible.
We “negotiated” with the midwife to only do rupture of membrane and see how it evolves , she was very pessimist saying “ for a first baby, it will take hours, you are loosing precious time in the hospital, it is 99% sure that nothing will happen”.
Vincent was a great support to insist on our decision toward the midwife. So at 1 am, after the rupture of membrane was done , we started to relax as the midwife said she would come at 6 am and if nothing happen until then she would have to do the synthetic oxytocin.
Tiny contractions came , and for each contraction I was very happy as it was a sign of something happening, very quickly I felt the contraction very well and needed Vincent the use the sacrum counter pressure technic we learned with Jasmine.
From there onwards, I stayed focused with my breathing and used the visualization a lot, ahaah exactly the ones I had doubt about when I started the hypnobirthing class. They helped me stay focus through.
At 5 am I started to have really intense surges and little break in between, so I called the midwife to understand how it was progressing, and I was at 4-5 cm , so it worked! The labour started and no need of synthetic oxytocin.
She kept being pessimist “ it is a first baby it can take 2 hours par cm … you are not there yet”. Vincent kept encouraging me and doing the sacrum counter pressure, the comb in the hand and the hot shower helped a lot as well. I had to stay lying for 30 min of monitoring, which was horrible as Vincent counter pressure was not as efficient as when I was sitting, and this monitoring made me feel very uncomfortable and unfree.
At 6.00 am, I asked the midwife to make me free again as I absolutely needed to go to the bathroom, she checked me before and I was at 9 cm!
So I suggested she should call the doctor, and she kept being pessimist “it can take two hours to get to 10 cm”…Half an hour later I felt the urge to push and I was at 10 cm. The doctor arrived at 7.00, it was very chaotic, I wanted to give birth on the side and with J breathing, but with all the chaos, I lost my concentration and closed myself completely, so the best as this moment I felt was to follow what they said as I didn’t have the energy to “negotiate” again…so I was on the back and followed their pushing instruction.
And the rose visualisation (again a visualisation 😉 ) helped to relax and open even with the surrounding chaos , it helped me find peace within myself and my lovely Mathis was born at 7.14 am.
I got only one stitch. Mathis was born healthy with 3.82 kg.
We are so happy with our experience , it was so empowering to make our own decision and know what to do for this unique event in our lives. All of this would have not been possible without Jasmine’ class. She is truly our birth angel.
Never underestimate your parent instinct and the power of visualization 😉